Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A little Dali-Fresh fruit

This little pagoda was sort of a boathouse at the end of the peir where you could take a tour of the lake that surrounds Dali. We got there too late to take the trip, but walked around the lake and the local area, even having an icecream.

We hired a tourguide for a day since we didn't have much time in Dali. It cost us $200 RMB or about $30 us, and you couldn't beat that. Dali which is located in the southern Yunnan province of China is about 8 hours from Tibet and certainly once of the most senic places in all of China. It's supposedly also close to Shang-gri-la and is home to several ethic minorities, the Bai being the largest. Echo's grandfather was a member of this tribe and came from this region. One of the first places we visited was this old pigoda, built in 1339, the middle ages when this area in China was very prosperous due to trade. In this old pagoda we watched a three-tea wedding ceremony, got a tour and bought some gifts. This old boat was laying in the middle of a courtyard in a dried up fountain or pool.

While riding the bus to Dali from Kunming I snapped this pic of a guy in the construction zone looking like he was snagging his lunchtime break.

A pic of one of the many fruit-men or women you'd see just about everywhere in China, carrying large baskets of fresh fruit here and there, selling them to you right on the street. It seems that you could get plenty of fresh vegtables and fruit anywhere in any city. Sometimes we'd buy some and eat it later in our hotel room. I had some peaches which were maybe the best I have ever tasted. This fella was carrying a very spicy ginger root according to Echo.

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